WASHINGTON -United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss the dangerous repercussions of President Joe Biden’s wide-open southern border, Democrats’ political prosecution of President Donald Trump, and the consequences of the European Parliamentary Elections.

Partial Transcript
Hagerty on the terror threat created by Biden’s wide-open southern border: “Maria, you and I have been talking about this since 2021 when Joe Biden opened the border. This was the obvious outcome. The national security risk that Joe Biden has precipitated for America is enormous. It’s the greatest national security risk that we face as a nation. I saw a Democrat councilman from New York earlier on your show talking about the fact that this could be the next 9/11. Look, the American public should be deeply concerned about this, and they should understand where the responsibility lies, and that’s at the feet of Joe Biden and the Democrats. Joe Biden came in and his first 100 days used 94 executive orders to take down the most secure border that we’ve ever had under President Trump. Biden has had a vendetta against the American public, I presume. This is all about rearranging and changing the electorate in America to favor Democrats, and he’s willing to expose us to this type of national security threat, so it’s just shocking.”
Hagerty on Democrats blaming Trump for the border crisis: “It’s amazing that the Democrats could even think that the American public would believe this gaslighting. The Democrats have been exactly voting for the fact that they want to count these illegals in the census. They’re voting for the fact that they want to continue to fly these people in here illegally. They support the use of the ‘CBP One’ app. These eight terrorists, some of them, even used that application, used that app on their phones to come in and get the Biden Administration concierge service to deliver them right into America here. It’s absolutely preposterous, and the Democrats need to stand back and own this the way they should. The American public are going see that they do in November. I predict that.”
Hagerty on Trump’s July 11th sentencing: “It’s hard to say what will happen here, but I’ve talked with President Trump about this extensively. It’s amazing that he is going to continue to fight for the American public. He understands that the American people can see he’s standing for them. He’s the only thing standing between the American public and this use of lawfare against every citizen. The Biden Administration is willing to weaponize the entirety of the government.”
Hagerty on a 2025 Republican Agenda: “We’ve got to be shoulder to shoulder and ready to go on day one. President Trump will be ready to issue the executive orders necessary to bring our economy back, to bring our national security back, to put us on the right footing with respect to international foreign affairs. The Biden Administration has basically set the world on fire, and it’s got to be fixed. It has to be fixed fast. The U.S. Senate, the legislative branch, needs to be ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with President Trump. That means we need to be ready to move immediately. Those first a hundred days are going to be critical. We need to have unity right now and be preparing for what will happen and what we’ll need to undertake to get our country back in a position to thrive again.”
Hagerty on the political prosecution of Trump: “This trial has been a mockery of the American justice system. What the American public has seen is the Biden Administration willingly abusing the judicial system to go and attack their opponent. This made-up crime, so to speak, is absolutely preposterous. What’s happened in New York is a travesty. What’s happened in Georgia is a travesty. What’s happening in Washington D.C. is a travesty. We’ve never had an American President indicted, and here we have a president under five separate cases in multiple jurisdictions in an election year, all with a very clear motive, and that’s to beat a person on the judicial field because they can’t beat him at the ballot box. The American public sees right through this. Donald Trump is just the victim of Biden Administration policies and tactics to try to avoid going to the ballot box with Donald Trump. The American public wants to see this solved at the ballot box. That’s democracy. That’s the American way, and everything that’s happening today, what you’re seeing unfolding in New York, the politicization of all of this, even the Biden campaign having a campaign event in front of the courthouse shows that all what they’ve been saying all along, this is totally political.”
Hagerty on the European Parliamentary Elections: “My take is the same thing that’s going to happen here in America. As the public sees that these liberal policies don’t work, as they see their national sovereignty invaded, and you think about what’s happening to their economy, they need a change. They’re voting for it. We’re going to see that happen here in America as well. And Maria, if I could go back for just a moment, regarding sanctions enforcement and China, you think about the G7 calling on China to stop helping Russia. When President Trump was in office, we had a treasury department and a treasury secretary that would enforce the sanctions. I had [Treasury Secretary] Janet Yellen in front of me last week. She talked about issuing sanctions against China, but they failed completely because you have to enforce the sanctions, and this Administration will not do so. We have to get back into the enforcement business again. It’s hard work. They’re not willing to do it. President Trump’s Administration is going to be, I think, first and foremost focused on enforcing the sanctions and stopping the flow of funds to Russia, to Iran, and to other terrorist teams.”
Hagerty on the Biden Administration’s refusal to enforce sanctions on Iran: “Well, if you look at what’s happened with Iran, as soon as the Biden Administration came into office, they removed the Maximum Pressure Campaign. The sanctions are still in place. They just stopped enforcing them. That’s enabled terrorism to break out in the Middle East. We’re now witnessing war in the Middle East thanks to the fact that we’re not enforcing the sanctions. That type of behavior could be stopped immediately if we would just enforce the law in the books.”