Hagerty Opposes Mayorkas as Department of Homeland Security Secretary

January 28, 2021

WASHINGTON – United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) today announced he will oppose the nomination of Alejandro Mayorkas for Secretary of Homeland Security.

“The voters of Tennessee sent me to Washington with a clear mandate that includes securing our border, restoring the integrity of our immigration system so that it serves American interests, and standing against unethical political favors and corruption,” said Senator Hagerty. “During Mayorkas’ prior service at the Department of Homeland Security, a non-partisan Inspector General found that he intervened outside the normal protocol to push through visas sought by well-connected Democrats like Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton’s brother, including securing a visa for an executive from Huawei—the Communist Chinese technology firm. These actions created a perception that politically connected persons ‘had special access and would receive special consideration.’

“Mayorkas has also promised to advance President Biden’s immigration agenda, which is effectively to ignore immigration law and eliminate border security measures. This agenda will create significant security risks, enable the flow of illegal drugs and human trafficking, and undermine opportunities for American workers already reeling due to the ongoing pandemic. “Our government should be working to enhance national security and protect American workers, and its leaders should be persons whose judgment and ethical history are beyond reproach. Mayorkas’ agenda and history of special favors for Democratic influencers are disqualifying.”