What They Are Saying | Praise for Hagerty’s Committee Assignments

February 3, 2021

Earlier today, Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) announced his committee assignments for the 117th Congress.

Ambassador Nikki Haley, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations: “Senator Hagerty is ready to confront the challenges America faces around the world. His experience as U.S. Ambassador to Japan will be incredibly valuable and his decades of work in international business will bring an important perspective to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. When it comes to diplomacy, working with our allies, and confronting our adversaries, I know Bill will make the people of Tennessee and the people of the United States proud.”

Ambassador Robert Lighthizer, former United States Trade Representative: “An extensive and successful career in business has prepared Bill Hagerty for this moment, and I expect him to have an immediate impact on the Senate Banking Committee. He brings an incredible knowledge of financial markets and international trade to the Senate, which I witnessed firsthand as I served as the former United State Trade Representative and the Senator was the Ambassador to Japan. This committee is exactly where Senator Hagerty should be.”

Former Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS): “Having worked with Senator Bill Hagerty in his Ambassadorship to Japan and being familiar with his outstanding business career, I know he’ll be a productive, responsible member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Our neighbors in Tennessee are lucky to have him in this position, but all Americans will soon see Bill Hagerty is prudent and thoughtful. He also will be a fair-play Senator as was his predecessor Lamar Alexander.”