Hagerty Named Ranking Member of National Security and International Trade and Finance Subcommittee

March 3, 2021

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) has been named the ranking member of the Banking Subcommittee on National Security and International Trade and Finance. He also was appointed to the Financial Institutions, and the Housing, Transportation, and Community Development subcommittees.

“I have spent my career in business, creating jobs, and most recently as a diplomat representing our great nation, dealing with foreign governments all around the world,” Senator Hagerty said. “Ensuring that the American worker benefits from fair and reciprocal trade, and using sanctions authority when appropriate to hold our adversaries accountable will be my priorities as ranking member of this subcommittee. I am also honored to be appointed to other subcommittees that will prioritize economic development, home ownership, and access to capital.”

“Senator Hagerty’s credentials in international business and diplomacy make him an ideal fit to serve as ranking member for the subcommittee charged with examining matters of trade, sanctions, and national security,” Ranking Member of the Banking Committee, Senator Pat Toomey said. “I am confident that Senator Hagerty will bring a thoughtful perspective to this role and his presence will benefit the full Senate Banking Committee and our country.”

About Hagerty’s Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs’ Subcommittees:

The National Security and International Trade and Finance subcommittee, for which Hagerty will serve as the ranking member, has jurisdiction over, among other things, international economic policy, and export and foreign trade promotion.

The Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection subcommittee has jurisdiction over, among other things, e-commerce, the Federal Reserve, banks, savings associations, and credit unions.

The Housing, Transportation, and Community Development subcommittee has jurisdiction over, among other things, affordable housing, rural housing, and mass transit.