Hagerty, Coons Introduce Senate Resolution Marking 10th Anniversary of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

March 11, 2021

WASHINGTON—United States Senators Bill Hagerty (R-TN), former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, and Chris Coons (D-DE), both members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today introduced a resolution in observance of the 10th anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Ten years ago today, the strongest earthquake recorded in more than 100 years struck Japan, resulting in a massive tsunami that caused widespread damage, including radiation leakage at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and almost 16,000 deaths. A significant humanitarian relief effort followed to render aid and help.

The Hagerty-Coons resolution mourns the loss of life, sends condolences to the families of the victims, expresses commitment to the survivors, and commends the Japanese government’s ongoing revitalization efforts.

“The horrible earthquake on March 11, 2011, forever changed Japan, which is why I am pleased to introduce this resolution marking this solemn day with Senator Coons,” said Senator Hagerty. “As former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, I had the opportunity to visit communities that were indelibly marked by that tragic day, but I also got to see firsthand the progress, the resilience, and the incredible spirit of the Japanese people. Japan is the cornerstone of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, and Japan has no greater ally and friend than the United States.

“The United States stood with Japan in March 2011, extending our support to help the country recover and rebuild, and through this resolution, we stand with them now in remembering the devastation of that day,” said Senator Coons. “In particular, our hearts are with the people of Miyagi Prefecture, which shares a 24-year relationship as the sister state of Delaware. The Japanese people are an example to us all of resolve and resilience. I look forward to deepening our friendship and partnership, built on a foundation of shared values between our two nations.”

Find a copy of the resolution here.