Hagerty Joins Colleagues in Introducing Comprehensive Legislation to Compete with China

March 11, 2021

WASHINGTON – United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), joined Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Jim Risch (R-ID) and seven other Republican colleagues in introducing the Strengthening Trade, Regional Alliances, Technology, and Economic and Geopolitical Initiatives Concerning China Act (STRATEGIC Act) to advance a comprehensive strategy for United States competition with the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

“The course of the 21st century will be largely defined by how the United States and our allies meet the monumental diplomatic, economic, military, and technological challenges posed by China under the Chinese Communist Party,” Senator Hagerty said. “I support the STRATEGIC Act led by Senator Jim Risch because this legislation can help us better meet the China Challenge and protect the security, interests, and values of America and our allies. I encourage all Democratic and Republican Senators to work together in good faith to strengthen and enact it.” 

Key provisions of the STRATEGIC Act:

  • Tackle China’s economic practices that distort global markets and hurt U.S. businesses, especially IP theft and mass government subsidization and sponsorship of Chinese companies.
  • Confront tech competition by increasing technology collaboration with allies and partners.
  • Safeguard institutions from malign and undue PRC influence.
  • Strengthen U.S. posture in the Indo-Pacific to protect its interests, allies, and partners.

The STRATEGIC Act was originally introduced in the 116th Congress. Full text of this updated legislation can be found here.