Hagerty: Biden’s Defense Nominee Needs to Answer Crucial Questions

March 23, 2021

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) today released the following statement after five days have passed since he sent a letter to Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) leadership seeking information on Colin Kahl’s, President Biden’s nominee to be Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Twitter account, especially whether Kahl knowingly leaked, or otherwise disclosed, sensitive or classified national security information:

“Given the highly sensitive nature of the position for which Mr. Kahl has been nominated, I strongly urge SASC not to advance this nominee until he provides an explanation for these extremely concerning disclosures. It has been five days since I raised these previously overlooked tweets, and the lack of a response demonstrates one of two things: either a complete disregard for the Senate’s advice-and-consent role, or there is simply no explanation for Mr. Kahl’s reckless disregard for the proper handling of sensitive national security information both of which would be disqualifying. If the Biden Administration stands behind this nominee, whom I believe has repeatedly shown poor judgment and ill temperament, then it should urge him to respond to the committee immediately.”

A copy of the letter Hagerty sent to the SASC on Thursday can be found here.