Hagerty Statement on Democrats’ Green New Deal

April 20, 2021

WASHINGTON—Unites States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) today released the following statement after Democrats re-introduced their Green New Deal in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate:

“While Tennesseans still live in the real world, it is clear that left-wing Democrat politicians are continuing to operate in fantasy where they believe we don’t need cars, planes, or tractors, crippling America’s economy and crushing our poorest communities. President Donald J. Trump placed our economy on a track to recover from the pandemic-driven recession faster than anyone predicted, but the Green New Deal would send heating, electricity, and transportation bills soaring for Americans, disrupting our workforce, destroying our economy, and devastating families in the process. The Green New Deal is a central-planning disaster the likes of which we expect in Communist China, not the United States, but this legislation would only embolden China and weaken the United States.”