Hagerty: As Predicted, Pelosi Holding Infrastructure Bill Hostage

September 28, 2021

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty today released the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi missed her promised deadline Monday to hold a vote on the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill in the U.S. House of Representatives:

“Speaker Pelosi blew right past her own deadline agreed upon with moderate Democrats to hold a vote on the infrastructure bill. This confirms what the Speaker, President Biden, and Senator Schumer have repeatedly stated: The infrastructure bill will not be enacted unless paired with Bernie Sanders’ $3.5 trillion pathway to socialism. In refusing to expedite Senate passage of the infrastructure bill in August, I predicted that the Speaker would hold the legislation hostage in an effort to coerce moderate Democrats to vote for Sanders’ dangerous, multi-trillion-dollar, cradle-to-grave, reengineering of America. These two pieces of legislation are joined at the hip and always have been. The question now is whether moderate Democrats will cave to Pelosi’s strong-arming.”

In August, because of Hagerty’s efforts, the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill was not expedited through the Senate and was instead voted on under regular order, allowing the American people to learn more about what was in it, how it wasn’t paid-for, and how it is inextricably linked to Democrats’ tax-and-spending spree.