Under Questioning from Hagerty, Treasury Secretary Declines to be Transparent

September 28, 2021

American public remains in the dark on how exactly the unprecedented tax-and-spend spree by the Democrats will be paid for

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, today pressed U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen for transparency and to provide the supposed framework that her, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced last week on how the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion transformational tax-and-spend spree would be paid for. Secretary Yellen declined to share the framework.

“I would, though, very much like to see this framework that you agreed to, we’re going to be expected to vote on the most massive transformation of the U.S. economy that this nation has ever seen. $3.5 trillion is a huge amount of money in pay-fors, and the industries, and the individuals, and how they’re going to be targeted is something that I would very much like to get a copy of before I’m expected to vote on this. I’m certain that my fellow committee members would like to see this. Is this something that you could get to me and my team by the close of business today, Secretary,” Senator Hagerty asked.

Yellen refused to be transparent and provide a copy of the agreed-upon framework.

“I’ll look forward to you working with my staff so we can have a detailed understanding because the last thing I want to do is find ourselves yet again, in a situation where we’ve got to pass a bill to find out what’s in it. And in fact, we need to have a very clear understanding of this sort of transformation because the credibility of this administration has been seriously challenged. If you look at the disaster that’s taking place in Afghanistan, if you look at the disaster at our southern border, the inflation that’s running rampant in our economy. I’m very concerned, and I want to have a much clearer picture of what the intended pay-fors will be, and the impact on the economy,” Hagerty concluded.

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