Hagerty: U.S. House used the infrastructure bill as a hostage tool to advance big-government socialism, just as I predicted

November 8, 2021

NASHVILLE, TN—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), who in August refused to expedite Senate passage of the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill in order to give the American people more time to learn what was in it, how it wasn’t paid for, and how it was inextricably linked to Democrats’ big-government socialism legislation, today released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the infrastructure bill and made plans to pass the tax-and-spend spree before Thanksgiving:

“When I refused to expedite Senate passage of the infrastructure bill in August, I predicted that the Speaker would hold that legislation hostage to coerce moderate Democrats to vote for Bernie Sanders’ dangerous, multi-trillion-dollar, cradle-to-grave reengineering of America. And that is exactly what she did by holding it in the House for three months until she secured commitments to pass the big-government socialism bill, which is full of anti-worker, Green-New-Deal provisions, anti-parent provisions putting the federal government in charge of preschool and daycare, giveaways to Big Tech, amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, and hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts for Blue State millionaires—all of which are funded by inflation-fueling debt shoveled on our children and grandchildren. Today, by passing the infrastructure bill, which is the gateway to big-government socialism, Democrats took another step on their pathway to radically transform America into a nation of government dependency, rather than a nation of opportunity.”