Hagerty Votes in Favor of Senate Resolution to Eliminate Biden’s Vaccine Mandate on Health Care Workers

March 2, 2022

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today voted in favor of a resolution that would eliminate President Joe Biden’s regulation requiring that individuals who work in the health care field receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Hagerty is also a co-sponsor of the resolution, which was passed by the Senate with bipartisan support. 

“Our dedicated health care professionals have been on the front lines of battling COVID since the very beginning of the pandemic,” said Senator Hagerty. “When we all stayed home, they ran to the hospitals to provide their lifesaving services, many contracting the disease and achieving natural immunity, yet now they are being told they will be fired unless they comply with an unlawful mandate. Today, the Senate took a critical step toward stopping this overreach.”

The Congressional Review Act provides for Congress to oversee the federal regulatory process for implementing legislation by allowing it to review and potentially revoke, through a resolution of disapproval, federal regulations affecting the American people.

Under the CRA, regulations must be submitted to Congress for review, at which point they can be brought up for a vote under expedited procedures, which is what occurred today in the Senate.

Hagerty led the Senate’s successful resolution to repeal Biden’s private-sector vaccine mandate in December.
