WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Appropriations and Banking Committees, today joined Your World with Neil Cavuto on Fox News to discuss the Biden Administration’s desperate attempts to buy votes and divert attention away from Democrats’ failed policies.

Partial Transcript
Hagerty on Biden’s effort to buy votes through student loan forgiveness: “I think this is very plain and simple. It’s about the November elections. It’s a blatant vote buy attempt, but I think it’s going to backfire, Neil, for the reasons that you’ve been talking about. It’s going be a massive overreach… 600 billion to a trillion dollars—that more than doubles the entire amount of deficit savings that supposedly came out of the Inflation Reduction Act—I call it the Income Reduction Act, by the way. This is incredibly unfair to the American people. The majority of Americans never went to college. They certainly shouldn’t be put in a place where they’re subsidizing, you know, as was said, subsidizing the lawyer driving the BMW, subsidizing the person who just graduated from a fine Northeastern school that’s now got a great job working on Wall Street. That’s not fairness in America. I think it feels like to most people who actually did work their way through school and didn’t take on loans, or who worked hard to pay their loans back, or those that didn’t go to school at all—those that didn’t go to college at all—they’re being played for chumps by [President] Joe Biden. This is not going to wear well.”
Hagerty on Biden’s desperation: “If you look at Joe Biden’s ratings, they’re in the low forties. They’re in the tank. Their desperation is being revealed by the fact that he would go in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia and claim that 75 million Americans are, you know, deplorable, you know, enemies of the state. I mean, they are desperate right now. We need to stay focused on the message. We need to stay focused on what’s ailing America right now that’s been brought by the Democrats.”