Hagerty Grills FBI Director on Biden Administration’s Biden Investigations

May 10, 2023

Wray dodges questions on Biden investigation subpoena, says AG Garland will make final decisions on Biden investigation

WASHINGTON—United States Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN), a member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, today pressed Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray on whether the Biden Administration is impartially investigating the Biden family, and who would decide whether the Administration discloses any evidence of Biden wrongdoing.

“If the FBI has evidence, as uncovered, evidence that alleges criminal conduct by the President, and you, then, I presume, hand this to the DOJ if you uncover this. But I understand the DOJ’s policy is they’re not going to charge a sitting President while that person is President, and the DOJ is not going to provide that information to Congress, and not going to comply with subpoenas for documents. It feels to me like it’s a dog chasing its tail,” Hagerty said. “The question is, if illegal conduct is alleged or uncovered, how does Congress or the American public ever get that evidence?”

“The decisions made by DOJ about how to staff prosecutions at which U.S. Attorney’s offices, which counsel to appoint, all those sorts of things are entrusted by regulation to the Department [of Justice], to the Attorney General,” Director Wray responded.

When pressed further on whether Attorney General Garland would decide whether to disclose evidence of Biden wrongdoing to Congress or the American people, Director Wray elaborated: “Decisions about who to charge, what to charge—those are decisions made by prosecutors at the Justice Department, including the U.S. Attorney in Delaware. And decisions about the Justice Department’s communications about its decision making are the Justice Department’s decisions. I don’t want to speak for them on that.”

When asked specifically by Hagerty if he has spoken to Attorney General Garland, White House staff, or Department of Justice (DOJ) staff regarding investigations that pertain to President Biden or the Biden family, Director Wray dodged the question.

“I don’t know that I can get into any discussions I had with Attorney General Garland. I talk to him, you know, probably every day, one way or another about all sorts of investigations. So, that one’s a little trickier,” Director Wray responded.

Hagerty also asked Director Wray to confirm the existence of a congressionally subpoenaed FBI document containing allegations regarding a pay-for-play scheme involving then-Vice-President Biden and a foreign national, to which Director Wray replied, “I really can’t get into the specifics here. I will tell you that we understand completely the importance of congressional oversight.”

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